Ello ello,

Today, I’m going to take you through a day with me because I kind of got my routine shebang together (finally) in this pandemic. It only took my 11 months. But better late than never I suppose, ey?


Mornings: The difference between me waking up vs me actually getting out of bed. The first port of call when getting out of bed is to eat breakfast and have a brew, otherwise, I just won’t be ready to face the world, ever. After breakfast, it’s straight to bed with a visitor (aka. the dog) in order to do some journaling. Every morning, we journal and then do a 30 minute screen-free time using the countdown on ‘Habit’.

Mornings 2.0: After lying in bed for 30 minutes playing sudoku, I kind of just sit there for a while more already just pre-regretting getting out of bed you know? Then we get dressed in something kinda cosy but also kind normal wear. We do our AM skincare, semi-okay hair, cream hands, put on our fitbit, take our vitamins because we (me) don’t eat meat over here and then we tidied our room.

Afternoon: MUST DO: walk the dog every day because she knows when it’s her turn to go for a walk and will be mad with you.

Lunchtime: Admittedly, before lunch, I just do minor things on my to-do list, only about 1-3 a day to keep myself busy throughout the week. Just boring things. For lunch, it’s just a cream cheese bagel and last night’s episode of Hollyoaks. Although, there was also a pastry today for lunch which was a nice Friday treat.

Post-Lunchtime: Normally, I stay downstairs all day until my parents come home from work, and that’s when I’ll move upstairs. Today however, when taking my vitamins and some paracetamol, I didn’t properly swallow the tablet (or something), and just felt the burning and acid in my stomach the entire time they dissolved, so decided to just go and lie in bed for a while.

Afternoon: I promise I don’t just sit in bed, do sudoku and read. If it was any other weekday, at 2pm, I do all chores that mom left on a post-it note for me: do the pots, hoover downstairs, clean the mud off of your trainers. General things. But, today is Friday which means mom is home instead of being at work, so my weekend starts TODAY kiddos (kind of because I work Saturdays). Everyday after doing my chores, which normally falls somewhere between 2:15 and 2:30 anyway, I make sure to read for half an hour. Currently reading this one about ‘Mindfulness’ that my mom gave me at some point like “here you go”, but if you want more information on the books I read, I do have blog posts here and here so far, as well as more coming up in the future. There’s a ‘Books’ section if you look on the life drop down menu at the top of my blog. There is also my Goodreads, which I link at the bottom of all my posts, and there’s also a widget down the side of my blog.

Evening: I forgot to take photos. But, honestly, I didn’t really do an awful lot. We had tea, watched some Pointless like always and then I’m pretty sure my parents decided to put Masterchef on instead. Then I taught Dad sudoku.

Pre-Night: Friday evenings are still the one day of the week that feels kind of normal. Kind of. Every Friday, I facetime the gals and drink pints essentially, which is very much close to what happened pre-covid except that was in person. Face to face. In a different city. Most often after work. I guess this is just the modern day virtual version.

And that’s all I have for you today folks!

I’ve got the day routine kind of down, however, the night time one is a bit of a different story. So perhaps when I’ve sorted that out and found something that works, I’ll do a similar kind of post dedicated to that. But for now, this is what we’ve got working for us.

On that note, stay safe & take care of your damn self,

~ Shan x

PS – you can find me here & here
if you fancy a book or two, you can find me here
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